Sheroes Hangout - Breaking the Barriers
Acid attack is one of the heinous crimes committed against women in India and globally. The act rarely kills but causes severe physical and psychological harm, leaving the scars not just on the body but also on the mind and soul of the victim and the stereotype thinking of the surrounding society harms them mentally. These victims are mostly limited to legal help and merely get any medical or psychological assistance. Moreover, in some cases, even the family of the victim disowns them, some due to the lack of support from Medical, and some in the name of honour, thanks to the standards set by Stereotyped Society. Acid attacks in India have ravaged the lives of thousands of young women whose only fault was that they repudiated marriage proposals, rejected sexual advances from men they didn’t fancy or were caught in the crossfire of domestic disputes. Men who take umbrage at being rejected turn to acid as a weapon for revenge.
This Story is about a group, which came forward and took a step against this heinous crime even when they themselves have been victimized by this. They joined hands and raised their voice against Acid Attack. They together are working in a café, named Sheroes Hangout, Sheroes Hangout is an initiative by Stop Acid Attacks campaign that was founded in 2013. Sheroes, here, are women who have fought back for life and survival through heinous chemical burns and are now, on a course to define themselves as 'fighters'. They are responsible for the overall administration and functioning of the Café. The campaign aims to transform these acid attack survivors into successfully empowered earning women that makes them an individual cult of inspiration among other survivors to be seen as “Sheroes”